Social media has become a thriving tool in the business industry. Utilizing social media properly in the early stages of development for your business can help you speed up the process. Early development is very important for small businesses. Since they are young and have an added pressure of having to battle against much bigger competition, they do need something extra to push them further and help them rise above the obscurity and the sea of other small businesses.
Analytics propose the idea of implementing social media in order to gain an advantage and beat the competition to the punch. In this day of age, having an innovative idea is not enough. In fact, it does not matter if your idea is good or not if no one can see it. You know what they say, “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” It is exactly what we have here. If there is no one to see your business it might as well be nonexistent.
So which social media site is the best one in this case? Actually, there are many to choose from and all of them have certain advantages and disadvantages when promoting your small business. Here are just some of the popular social media sites that you can utilize to help you grow your startup business.
Facebook is probably the biggest social media network currently available. But, what makes this social media giant beneficial for businesses is that it is the most popular one. Almost everyone has a Facebook page, which means that whatever your target audience is there is a great chance that they have a Facebook account. Meaning that you simply have to utilize Facebook in your business plan in order to gain access to an all-around network of people. It does not matter what your business or type of field is, Facebook is great for getting the attention of people or simply advertising your product or company.
What you need and could do here is create a Facebook page for your business. Carefully describe the type of work that you do in the “about” section. Then you need to advertise your company and products by posting news on your timeline. It is best to be as consistent as possible and post at least once a day. It allows you free marketing and a wide array of audience to choose from.
Target audience: Almost everyone!
What to share: Literally everything!
LinkedIn is generally recognized as social media for professionals. You can find various kinds of people there that are ultimate experts in their field and can also hire them upon viewing their profile. LinkedIn has long been seen as a place where you can create your business profile and advertise your abilities and expertise. But it has also become widely recognized as a place where businesses advertise themselves.
If a company does not have a LinkedIn profile, it might as well not exist. Having a LinkedIn profile shows that your business is respectable and widely renowned. Other people can see your company and gain interest in it. But what is more important is that it acts as a business-to-business network, where it makes connections and builds relations between businesses.
Target Audience: Professionals and experts in various fields.
What to share: Business related information about your company.
Instagram is platform owned by Facebook but is a visually orientated one. Its purpose is to share pictures and posts and is aimed at mobile phone users. Instagram is mostly popular with a younger audience, millennials, and girls. Incorporating this type of audience can be very important for your business plan, no matter what your business orientation might be. It can greatly influence the growth of smaller businesses.
Instagram utilizes the fact that you can post pictures from anywhere anytime. It also allows you to add hashtags which can strategically be used to help you advertise your product with more people. After making your Instagram account, make sure to post at least one picture a day and three to ten stories a day. It will make your Instagram account very popular and help your business grow.
Target audience: Younger people, millennials, young females, urban crowd.
What to share: Photos of your products and eye-catching pics which do not have to be essentially related to your business.
Mamby is a fairly new social media platform that is best described as a combination of Pinterest and Reddit. But what Mamby has that other similar social media platforms don’t is the fact that it pays their users in cryptocurrency for contributing to the site. The site also has something that is a rarity in the social media world these days, they allow users to post dofollow backlinks in posts and comments. As you already know having such backlinks are important for every business owner because they improve your rankings in search engines.
Since Mamby is a young but a fast-growing social media platform, it is best to get on board while you still can. You can register your brand there and start advertising your business now. The advantage here is that the content posted is connected to literally anything and has greater potential to reach people from different fields.
Target audience: Various, since there are people that post content from various areas and fields.
What to share: Literally anything, related and unrelated to your business.
Twitter is the third largest social media platform that allows you to place messages, videos, and images. It first started as solely being able to convey messages in the form of Tweets, but it quickly outgrew itself and expanded to more multimedia content. Twitter is a social network best suited for tech-savvy individuals of all age groups.
Creating a Twitter account may also allow it to be used as a helpline of sorts. Many businesses will contact you through your Twitter page and send personal messages to you. That is why it is important to constantly follow your page and respond to any questions. Post regular tweets about your company and update content on it. What is also important is that you immediately start following other bigger companies in your field and also retweet posts. It is an ultimate advertisement for your company and a sign that you mean business.
Target audience: People from the tech industry, mostly.
What to share: Updates about your company’s dealings and various shout-outs!
Pinterest is a social media platform that allows you to pin various content that you are interested in and create boards based on them. It is essentially a way to organize things that you like, arrange them in neat boards with pins and find specific products in places that you are not sure where they are located. Businesses can benefit from this by advertising their products directly by posting pictures and getting a wide, female-centric audience on board.
After creating your Pinterest account you have to create a board and pin your products. It may be difficult at first to organize your board, as making a really good one can take some time. But you will soon see that the time invested in doing so will make it worth your while. Advertising your products allows users to get new ideas on how to use them and it also provides an easier way for people to find and get your products.
Target audience: Middle aged females and millennials.
What to share: Create a board for your company and pin products that you offer.