SEO, Search Engine Optimization is the use of keywords in your website content that aims to improve your organic rankings in search engines. It will help to drive more relevant traffic to your site and engage your audiences.
A study released by a SEO Platform Provider showed that organic traffic was the largest source of traffic that ranked higher than paid search and social media. SEO could be the one missing link that is most underrated when it comes to expanding your reach.
If you have not already included SEO or refining your SEO strategy, you can never afford to underestimate its significance in your marketing plans. Here’s how you can improve your search rankings with SEO:
Optimal Page Load Speed
A slow loading site means that your site is not trustworthy and encourage people to drop off. In Fact, data from Strange Loop shows that even a 1-second delay in page load can lead to a 7% loss in conversions. Page Speed is critical for search engines as well as your users. Even, Google includes site speed as an important ranking factor.
Link to Other Websites With Apt Content
Many people presume that linking their content with other authoritative pages will drive out people off your page. But it is these links that build a fundamental part of smart search engine optimization. Since linking out sends detectable traffic, it will make your site more scaleable and add value.
Engaging Content First, Search Engines Later
More and more people concentrate on keywords so much that they get off track and fail to create appealing content. You can leverage on long-tail keywords more than shorter ones without compromising on the quality of your content. Never put searching engines first over the humans reading your work.
A popular term known as SEO Copywriting emphasizes to create content that will actually help your readers and offer value first according to Search engines will then automatically follow you.
Analyse and Rework your Strategy
After defining your SEO goals, you also need to check what is working and what’s not. Tools like Google Analytics and others will help you check your success and let you adapt your stand. This will help your understand where your site visitors click and how they lose interest after they walk away from your site.
Pay Attention to Meta Descriptions
Meta description is the first section that appears on search engines under your page. Write unique descriptions that will drive the user’s attention and help you rank on top of searches. Google and other search engines don’t prefer duplicate content and this will make you rank lower. Not just that, it will also not provide a great user experience.
SEO when used the right way in your marketing strategy pays off well. It is one master stroke that will help your acquire organic leads, drive traffic and grow your business.