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How To Repurpose Your Old Content

How To Repurpose Your Old Content

Content is king and this adage always rings true. However, you should know that not all content gets enough exposure. You may have allocated plenty of efforts and time to develop a post, but you get less than satisfactory results. On the other hand, you may occasionally experience a shortage of content idea and your old highly informative posts still get limited amount of content. If you want to achieve better SEO performance, you need to make sure that people get only quality content that they easily appreciate. If your old informative posts were never too successful, it is a good idea to repurpose them. One obvious obstacle is that you may face duplicate content penalty. However, if your old posts hardly get a couple of views each day, it is a good idea to delete them. Then, you may re-use them, by making some changes and improvements to make them more relevant to today’s conditions. You should choose the right methods, so you are able to recycle these posts in the most appropriate manner possible.

If you want to get results, it is a good idea to know about details of your most successful posts. These posts get more than a trickle of traffic and you need to implement some of the elements to your new posts to replicate the same results. You are the one who knows better, what’s the difference between your successful and least successful posts, regardless of the quality of the information. After you discover these elements, then the real fun begins and you can try to repurpose these old posts. The most straightforward way is by rewriting them. You shouldn’t only change the structure and wording of the content, you also need to make sure that the content has a few new things to offer based on the latest developments in the industry and market. After, you are sure that you have implemented all the necessary things, you allocate enough effort to promote each of the post. You may use social media and other platforms to generate interests, which could eventually attract some backlinks.

Rewrite content a lot of effort and time, so it is important that you get all the expected results. Whether you have a full fledged website or a blog, you need to make sure that you deliver the right things. A good way to ensure that all posts in your website to get decent view is to use internal linking. In CMS, this can be easily performed by installing plugins that recommend related posts in your website. It means that after people read a content that they like most, they will get a section under the main body, containing thumbnails and title of related posts. The recommendation plugin should work automatically by using related keywords. This works well if you use tags for each of the post, so results of the recommendation posts section can become more accurate. It is a good idea to use your most successful posts as a way to encourage people to read your other posts.

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